Diabetes is a health problem that plagues many people in the world. This disorder involves tens of millions of people. Diabetes is considered a nuisance because it can continue the deadly complications of heart attack, stroke, and
kidney failure and nerve damage.
Diabetes is divided into 2. Type 1 diabetes will make sufferers unable to produce insulin needed to break down sugars and starches into energy. While type 2 diabetes make sufferers unable to use insulin properly.
How to fight diabetes is with diet.
Here are some foods that can lower blood sugar :
1. Cinnamon
Despite its name, cinnamon, food friendly to your health. A study showed that 3-6 grams of cinnamon per day could lower glucose levels up to 29 percent. This is because cinnamon contains a substance that can update MHCP fat cells respond to insulin and glucose to remove.
2. Flask
Research carried East China Normal University said that the chemicals in pumpkin helps regenerate damaged pancreatic cells. This compound will make the pancreas produce insulin. Pumpkin is used pumpkin orange.
3. Pome fruits (Pomegranates)
Pome fruit or pomegranate has tremendous benefits for human health. Although sweet, the researchers did not look at the sweet effect on blood sugar levels. Natural pome juice taken daily can reduce the risk of death from diabetes.
4. Garlic
Garlic has long been used as a traditional medicine in many cultures. According to. S. Department of Agriculture's Human Nutrition Center, garlic may increase insulin levels in the blood. In another study, garlic proven to lower blood sugar. This right is because garlic can stimulate insulin production.
5. Apple
Efficacy apple doubt. A study conducted by Harvard University that eating 2 servings of fruit such as apples, blueberries and grapes might lower risk of type 2 diabetes by 23 percent. Other studies have also shown that people who regularly ate apples every day to reduce the risk of diabetes by 20 percent.
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