The most effective diet is a diet that suits your individual needs and desires . If a doctor gives the nutritional 'formula / rules ' diet WITHOUT asking what your favorite, how your diet everyday and gives you a fixed rule, one size fits all, the diet would not be appropriate and may not last long. Then also change the diet should be gradual if it is too heavy because it can shock even when all of a sudden changed.
Second, your weight is in a healthy weight range category. I personally do not like telling clients that are healthy for excessive weight loss diet, are there even be sick. Maybe this is your comfortable weight. Comfortable weight is the weight where you are emotionally and psychology (subconscious level) feel comfortable and healthy .
In addition it should be noted diet:
Positive thoughts are not merely lead / based on the shape and weight. Shape and weight should not be used as criterion happiness
Adequate rest
Give the intervals between meals to give the digestive system time to digest.
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